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“Please test your sites in IE7”
A call by IE developers to help them out by testing your sites in IE7 beta 2 PR.
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Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview
Developers can now download and test drive IE7 beta 2 preview. You go first.
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Validation buttons
A collection of nice "validated" buttons for your valid site!
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Flickr style CSS image map
How to create a neat 'Flickr' like CSS Image map...
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Bubbles Tooltips
A very nice, "auto adjusting "bubbles tooltips script. Uses DHTML with a touch of CSS.
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Bubble tooltips II
Another bubble tooltips script, created using CSS and JavaScript.
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The future of HTML: XHTML 2.0
A look ahead at XHTML 2.0 and what it means for the web.
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1 Yays
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Returning mySQL data as XML for easy Ajax processing
Useful article that looks at how to easily output mySQL data in XML format for Ajax manipulation.
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CSS 3 selectors explained
A nice look at the features available in CSS 3.
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CSS Spyglasses
A very interesting magnifying effect on an image using JavaScript and CSS.